‘Youth Plug-IN’ – AFRICA

Linking into global frameworks for developments in Africa: QuiSec & DIL has developed a range of Youth Development Programmes focusing on identifying needs of young people in terms of talents and aspirations – leading to prosperous leadership skills and Innovation.

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©2017 QuiSec & DIL

Our Aims:

To provide various opportunities within Information, Advice and Guidance, Youth Leadership, Entrepreneurship Skills including Cultural Exchange opportunities for our clients. This will motivate active and inclusive (e.g. participants learning with mixed learning abilities) learning, resulting in deeper learning‘.

Education has come a long way, so we explore and adopt various strategies within the education field to explore, develop and adopt various learning methodologies to best bring out knowledge, skills and specific talents within our clients.

Programmes on offer:

Personal Development & Training Participants – (Youth & Adults):

We have developed this programme for youth (ages 9 – 30) to better guide them develop a better sense of awareness in the world they live in e.g. introducing them to the dynamics of interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills, whilst discovering their their hidden talents.


Personal Development & Training – Youth Participants will:

a) actively engage with peers by taking part in highly interactive training and workshop activities e.g. Enjoy and Achieve (Every Child Matters-Framework (ECM) UK 2003).

b) be encouraged to be of added-value to their activity group/s (Every Child Matters-Framework (ECM) UK 2003).

Personal Development & Training – (cross over age to 30), activities:

a) team building
b) mentoring
c) communication engagement
d) self-analysis and critique
e) employability

Youth-Entrepreneurship Programme:

Technology is ever changing our day-to-day lives, irrespective of age or genda; how we access, process and use information. The transformative power of youth entrepreneurship is remarkable through the establishment of sustainable business strategies e.g. Arts, Culture & Social entrepreneurship, Tourism & Travel, E-Commerce etc. building possible investments for future and stronger economies.


Young-Entrepreneurship Participants will:

a) develop a sense of contribution to economy and society e.g. societal and economic sustainability
b) identify, create and use given abilities in productive ways e.g. achieving economic well-being (Every Child Matters 2003 – UK)
c) develop a strong sense of innovation and investment
d) develop a more formidable and better sense of choices when making their transition from youth to adulthood

Youth Leadership Programme:

This programme exposes youth (aged 9 – 30) to pathways towards Life Leadership Skills. Participants have various opportunities to develop their leadership skills, through structured workshops, peer-to-peer evaluation, outdoor trip experiences etc. The idea is to provide participants with experiences that can positively impact on personal growth, learning how to develop their interpersonal skills and understanding of leadership dynamics.

We have high expectations for participants behaviour, attitude, and engagement. Participants are actively involved in planning their time which is covered in workshops and discussions and they will be expected to set achievable goals for themselves.


Youth Leadership Programme participants will explore:

a) skills development (SWOT Analysis)
b) practice and explore team and leadership dynamics
c) making choices (SMART Objectives)

Careers Support – included as a part of programmes a and b (below)

Entry into Secondary & University – Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG):

a) IAG e.g. entry to secondary school and university.
b) coaching & mentoring – junior and senior levels.

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QuiSec & DIL Management-

©2020 QuiSec & DIL | *Trading name of QuiSec & DIL Consultants LTD | Registered in Companies house in England and Wales 10335588 | Registered office 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden London. WC2H 9JQ.